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General and Professional Education
2/2015 pp. 40-45

Zastosowanie algorytmów szeregowania zadań do automatycznego generowania planu zajęć dydaktycznych

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Planning of teaching in higher education becomes a big logistical challenge because of the increase in the number of students and academics, as well as expansion of the range of courses. In most cases, lesson plans are based on the teachers working time, classrooms load capabilities and the organization of hours of stuednt's groups. There are not commonly used solutions that include the individual preferences of the student. Individual study path oftten leads to collisions in teaching plans for students who are simultaneously studing various specialities. This situation results in the formation of additional hours of consulting teachers for students with an individual plan of study. It should be noted that the creation of the teaching plan is the repeated every semester. In large educational institutions planning is carried out with the involvement of a group of people and runs for several weeks. Human is involved in the decision making process of planning, despite the use of supporting tools, because software solutions do not fully meet the requirements. It is desirable to create a tool designed to automate the construction plan. The basis of the system functionality are task scheduling algorithms. The paper presents a mathematical model of the classes scheduling problem to the limited availability of resources and deadlines for the limit of the work.

Key words

mathematical models, scheduling algorithms, plan of teaching, university


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