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General and Professional Education
2/2013 pp. 32-43

Blended learning i jego zastosowanie w zakresie poprawy jakości szkoleń

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Growth of the use of Internet and electronic forms of communication causes more and more in the teaching of so-called e-learning. However, experience shows that a pure e-learning has many faults, associated with the lack of direct, interpersonal contact between trainees and student. The solution to this problem is to use the concept of combining different forms of learning in the form of blended learning. The paper presents the issues related to the use of blended learning in today's training. Then the idea of blended learning is presented and a comparison of traditional teaching, e-learning and blended leaning, summing up the benefits of the last idea. The analysis shows that the blended learning is a very effective method of teaching that allows the combination of traditional and modern techniques. If the connection is consistent and properly implemented, as was shown in the examples in the previous sections, this method is effective and efficient for both the traditional teaching and e-learning from. However, achieving high quality learning processes using blended learning requires both a perfect mastery of the technical, economic and last but not least, the creation of an appropriate organizational culture and commitment of all parties involved in it.

Key words

blended learning, learning, e-learning, quality of training, teaching, synchronous, asynchronous learning, traditional training


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