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General and Professional Education
2/2012 pp. 20-30

Rola arteterapii w twórczej resocjalizacji nieletnich

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The concept of resocialization by means of art therapy is characterized. The origin of the word “art therapy” is clarified. The effects of art therapy in juveniles’ resocialization are disclosed. Forms of art therapy activities are described. The author presents the research-based results of the tested juveniles participation in the applicable forms of interaction – plasic therapy, music therapy and choreotherapy at school and in educational centers. In conclusion, different types of art therapy and their impact on pupils’ behaviour are summarized. The most effective forms of art therapy in the examined juveniles’ behaviour areas are shown. It is disclosed that art therapy is an important factor in the process of rehabilitation, but research proves that it is not equally effective in all areas of misbehaviour. It is important and helpful in educating children through their hidden emotions and feelings, which in turn leads to a deeper insight into one’s own personality and allows educators to accurately diagnose the problem, choose methods and techniques that will eventually lead to the correct state of social adaptation of individuals. Then, the formation of positive features of one’s behavior and personality is possible, it will guarantee the optimal socialization of a teenager and his/her creativity in the society.

Key words

resocialization, creative resocialization, art therapy, plasic therapy, music therapy and choreotherapy


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